Those words, easy enough to write, have always been so hard for me. So let's look at that concept. Letting go and allowing has been hard for me - the… Read more…
25 Destinations You Should Travel to Before They Get Too Expensive
FenlioQ / Shutterstock.comInternational tourism is on the rise. According to the World Tourism Organization UNWTO, international travel was up 6 percent in the first quarter of 2017 compared to 2016… Read more…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-22
is in the Century City News with our Eat, Pray, Love Bali tour (in May). Please repost! # has had a new article posted on Top 10 Reasons… Read more…
Bedouin Art in the Sinai Desert
Most of the pieces you can buy in Egypt are dirt cheap – it has to do with the economy, the cost of materials, the average salary being so low, etc. and everyone takes advantage of the low prices and buys a lot of things when they visit. But out in the Sinai desert, one woman is changing all that.
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Talking Alternative Radio Interview – The Conscious Consultant Hour
July 12, 2013... a great, informative and fun interview talking about our spiritual awakenings, why spiritual travel is so important for your soul, our upcoming trips, and more! The Spiritual… Read more…