Sweating it out: Experiencing the Temezcal
This ritual is a rebirthing of sorts, he explains. As the others have done before me, I touch my forehead to the sparse grass at the mouth of the temezcal. “All my relations,” I intone properly, while connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sky, my ancestors, my family, my friends — in keeping with Read more…
Visiting the Sakkhara Pyramid & Lake Moeris
Following is an excerpt from my travel memoir, "Travels Through Egypt," which I am currently working on. Comments are welcome... Our first day in Egypt, we all got on a… Read more…
6 Romantic Destinations to take your loved one this Valentines – The Travel Visa Company
For that someone specialMaybe you are the type of person who likes to spoil their their significant other? Maybe your looking for an excuse to take your loved one on… Read more…
Four New England destinations named hottest vacation spots for summer 2018
The ocean temperatures may not always feel welcoming and there are days when the morning fog clings as stubbornly as cream of mushroom soup to egg noodles, but New England’s… Read more…
A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 1 of 4)
Finding Balance in Bali This is part 1 of a 4 part series about a recent trip we took to Bali I am sitting in the stunning, airy bar… Read more…