Maybe you’re sitting at your computer desk at this very moment, dreaming of a faraway destination where you will find respite from your daily 9-5 and achieve invigoration for your mind, body and soul. There are many unique travel opportunities if you’re proactive in your search. But few companies provide fully organized trips to the world’s leading destinations for spiritual growth and cultural learning. To help our guests escape the daily grind and rediscover their passion for life and the thrill of adventure, Spirit Quest Tours offers a unique array of guided and independent travel tours, and I am excited to share some of our upcoming trips with you.

Spirit Quest Tours has quickly become one of the leading specialists for spiritual travel adventures. The company’s philosophy is simple: to excite the mind, pamper the spirit and challenge the body while inflaming the soul of all travelers on our trips. One of the reasons that so many people are now choosing trips through our experts at Spirit Quest Tours is that the company goes to great lengths to ensure that each element is optimized for a luxury experience. Travelers will stay in 5-star accommodations, have meals at some of the world’s leading culinary hot-spots and visit some of the world’s most respected sites for self-realization and spiritual healing – all included in the price of the our guided tour trips. Spirit Quest Tours also understands that many people are searching for an adventure in which they can take the time to choose where they will visit each day, and that’s why  we also offer a distinct range of independent travel adventures. We can fully customize a trip; it’s kind of like the difference between buying a suit off the rack or having a tailor custom-make you one (which we can set you up with in Singapore, for example!)

One of the company’s most recent additions to our line-up of domestic trips is our Esoteric America tour. It’s one of the ideal travel tours for those who are looking to discover a sense of spiritualism and hidden history right at home in the United States. Travelers will tour the many hidden elements of architectural significance in Washington, DC on this exciting trip, which will host guests at the delightful Lorien Hotel in Old  Town Alexandria, VA,  May 13-18, 2014. As part of this trip, travelers will have the opportunity to learn about the spiritual depth and intentions behind the George Washington Masonic Memorial, which provides a fascinating insight into the thoughts of the founding fathers on government, faith and the values of the time period. In addition, travelers will visit the House of the Temple, widely thought of as one of the most important Masonic lodges in the entire United States, and take daily walking tours of the Capitol where they can see for themselves the hidden symbolism throughout that speaks to the spirituality of the founding of the nation and the hearts of its planner.  It promises to be a trip through which Americans can discover more about themselves as they journey with renowned thinkers through America’s past.

Spirit Quest Tours offers an opportunity of self and spiritual discovery for all within our selection of travel tours. We look forward to creating incredible transformational travel for you, too!