A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 3 of 4)
Another morning I follow the signs that say “nature walk”, down the steep mossy steps to a stone Balinese bathing fountain, past a splashing waterfall, along the river which marks the edge of the Maya property. I walk past plants whose leaves unfurl so large over my head that I could take shelter in a rainstorm. Read more…
The Best Beach Destinations for a Last-Minute Vacation
Ideal escapes for when the traveling bug hits.Read More
Check out tour leader Halle Eavelyn in this USA TODAY photo essay
The price tag was kind of hefty. I mean, $110 a person, for one night, one meal? This is Luxor, Egypt, not Luxor, Las Vegas. We had checked into the… Read more…
Ketut Liyer – visiting with a Balian
Did you read "Eat Pray Love"? Do you want to meet with a famous Balinese Shaman? Ketut Liyer, thanks to the best-selling book, "Eat Pray Love", has found himself catapulted to fame and at least some small fortune as the most important Balian on an island of very spiritual people. And earlier this year, Spirit Quest Tours was in Bali for two weeks with a group of 35 American tourists, many of whom had read the book and were hoping to meet Ketut. Luckily, our Balinese guide knew him, and where he lived, and I was able to send him over to Ubud to set up an afternoon for our group to see him. Read more…