Travel to Egypt is a marvelous thing. There are many ways to facilitate Egypt travel, from flights that go straight from New York to Cairo, to stops in Amsterdam or… Read more…
Egyptian Food – Lunch outside Sakkhara
This is the next installment of my book, tentatively titled, "Travels through Egypt." After visiting the Temple of Sakkhara, we always go to the same restaurant, one of everyone's favorites… Read more…
Eat, Pray & Love the Bliss of Bali – Part II
This is a follow on to a post from a guest blogger who was with us in Bali last year. This came about very organically. One of the guests on… Read more…
Spiritual Travel Opportunities Abound
we are thrilled to be returning to Madrid, Barcelona, and that gastronomique center, La Mancha, for our Tilting at Windmills: Wine, Tapas and Tales tour! I mean, where else can you go that has a "Museum of Ham?" (actually, as series of tapas bars, but how fun is that?) Read more…
Seattle talk: The Secret Alchemy of Travel
4:00pm - 5:30pm
The Theosophical Society of Seattle
717 Broadway Avenue East
Seattle, WA
THIS SUNDAY! Nov. 8th - DON'T MISS IT if you're in Seattle!
After more than a decade traveling to the world... Read more…