While meditation, nature walks, and yoga are my usual paths to the sacred, I often forget my emotional connection to the joy of just being. Riding down the beach with the breeze on my face and the sun at my back was a delight... Read more…
Most of the Black Madonnas have been hidden in forgotten corners of ancient churches or incorporated seamlessly into Catholicism as if they were not Read more…
According to the cardiologists I spoke with, the first warning sign that something is wrong is a heart attack. Sometimes they’re fatal, and these days, if you live through it,… Read more…
Spirit Quest Travel to the Land of the Thunder Dragon – Part 1
Take a walk across Phobjikha Valley, home of the Thunder Dragon in the heart of majestic Bhutan, and you will know how small we humans dare to be. Read more…
The 5 Most Instagram-Friendly Travel Destinations in 2018
"I could talk about Tulum for an hour," writes McCune. "Tulum is a blogger's paradise and has really taken off because of Instagram. The food is amazing, and it's full… Read more…