Navigating the Holy Waters of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer
From the time of the Middle Ages, people in Southern France have honored Les Saintes Maries—”The Saint Marys”—with Sara’s Procession to the Sea. Candles in hand, the crowds of worshippers take part… Read more…
Experiencing Spiritual Awakenings Through Travel
Many of these spiritual travel shifts occurred with women who needed some sort of heart Spiritual travel Egypthealing. They had been through a traumatic divorce, the death of their spouse, or in some way lost part of themselves to the "stuff that happens along the way." Like the woman whose husband had an affair. She had left him nearly ten years ago, but on some level, still thought it was her fault and had been punishing herself ever since. Read more…
Luxe or Budget: How a Great Boutique Hotel Improves Your Vacation
I recently spent a few days in Paris, at the height of the summer. It was beastly hot, and the downside of Paris being voted the #1 tourist destination is,… Read more…
Bali Spiritual Experience: Making Choices
The reason I was up at dawn was that a mosquito was biting me under the covers, a feat I am still not sure how it was possible to accomplish. A few minutes later just as I was drifting back onto the other side of the dawn, I heard an unfamiliar sound. It was the low roar... Read more…
Learning From Religious Festivals
It was Easter on Sunday. And Passover started Friday. And that got me thinking about the religious festivals and holidays I've seen in other parts of the world. Read more…