Edge of Tomorrow as Spiritual Travel Metaphor
I just saw the movie Edge of Tomorrow, and it’s everything the critics say it is; smart, edgy, funny, and fresh. Yet it is so much more than its slogan… Read more…
Should I Still Travel To ____? Taking Trips During Civil Unrest
Don't listen to your family, your friends, or your co-workers. Unless they do more than just watch the news (and even then, sometimes) they are likely just saying the same fear-based things they hear on television. And when was the last time they took an international trip? They're your dreams, not theirs.
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OMG: Falling through Delta’s cracks
I have waxed on about the wonders of Changi airport, Singapore's modern and pampering layover heaven, with its free movie theatre, orchid gardens and butterfly sanctuary, not to mention food halls, sleeping lounges, spas, and transit hotels in each of its three terminals. Well, I missed a crucial point until that night: all of its delights lie behind immigration. We, on the other hand, were Read more…
10 Quick Tips To Elevate Your Vacation
Going on a vacation? Use this guide to create a different kind of experience and make sure you have the best time of your life – after all, it’s your… Read more…
Sacred Sites Throughout the World
Monday March 9th 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Distant Lands Bookstore
56 S. Raymond Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91105
(800) 310-3220
Distant Lands Website
What impulse in the human spirit has, for millennia, caused us to ... Read more…