Peru: A Healing Journey to the Amazon Jungle
When it was my turn, I was shocked at what happened! I looked down at my stomach and then closed my eyes. While Don Maximo was singing, I heard an audible voice that seemed to come from the ethes, telling me that Read more…
Travel Tips Learned While Baking
While I was baking, I realized there were valuable lessons that applied to traveling anywhere outside your comfort zone. Enjoy my lessons (one for each dozen cookies) and apply them to your own travel experiences; the recipe and video of the cookie baking are at the bottom. Read more…
Tutankhamun – The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs
The Colossus of King Tut is a statue I have never seen before. Rising ten feet above me and looming over the first section of the Pacific Science Center’s new exhibit, it evokes Read more…
Unlike the recent hybrids, the gas drives the electric motor, but the only way to recharge the battery is to plug it back in; the engine doesn't do the recharging for you. This seems like a drawback in theory, but during the four days... Read more…
Experiencing dawn at the Temple of Isis at Philae should be a part of everyone’s holidays in Egypt. However, usually only people going for spiritual travel will get to have this incredible opportunity.
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