You Can’t Go Home Again…Thank God
I just spent the weekend in what I consider my hometown of Columbia, Maryland, staying at the home of my best friend from high school. I was there on my… Read more…
Further Thoughts on The End of the World
I hadn’t thought the world would end, not really, but the recent school massacre in Newtown back home made me wonder if it might have gone mad. Now I suddenly felt so lucky to be alive, so happy to be in this crazy, wonderful city where I had drunk tea in Tahrir Square not two weeks earlier, so glad to be graced with this intrepid band of fearless travelers who saw what the news said and came to Egypt anyway. Read more…
A visit to the Holy Springs of Tirta Empul
A visit to the holy springs of Tirta Empul is a glimpse inside Bali's spiritual heart. Almost devoid of tourists but brimming with locals come to take the holy waters,… Read more…
A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 1 of 4)
Finding Balance in Bali This is part 1 of a 4 part series about a recent trip we took to Bali I am sitting in the stunning, airy bar… Read more…
Ramadan, the most important Muslim holiday, is celebrated for the whole month, and it changes almost everything about Cairo. Ramadan is a time to get closer to God, making self-sacrifices to be awake and aware of your choices, so people fast all day every day during the month of Ramadan. Read more…