Traveling In Sin – a travel memoir book review
I love reading travel books; memoirs are enjoyable and well-written accounts make me feel like I’m truly present in another part of the world. For this reason I was looking… Read more…
Visiting the Sakkhara Pyramid & Lake Moeris
Following is an excerpt from my travel memoir, "Travels Through Egypt," which I am currently working on. Comments are welcome... Our first day in Egypt, we all got on a… Read more…
The Perfect Work Week: Visit Africa on an Eco-Safari
We were in South Africa on other business when we were offered a luxury cabin for several days at Thula Thula, the exclusive private game preserve created by world-renowned conservationist Lawrence Anthony and his wife Francoise, which offers a wonderful wild safari vacation. Read more…
How Travel Can Heal Your Grief or Pain
“Something crappy happened at work – I need a vacation!” How many times have you heard this from colleagues, or thought it yourself? But what about, “My husband cheated on… Read more…
The Dawning Egypt 2012 Conference Call
Don't worry if your missed our conference call because we recorded it for you! You can listen to the full recording by clicking this link: The Dawning: Egypt 2012 Conference… Read more…