From the time of the Middle Ages, people in Southern France have honored Les Saintes Maries—"The Saint Maries"—with Sara's Procession to the Sea. Candles in hand, the crowds of worshippers take part… Read more…
The Exhilarating, Terrifying Experience of Doing Something NEW
I’m a fairly adventuresome person, but I don’t have that thrill gene—you know, the one that makes you want to sky dive and bungee jump and have sex in public places. But I’m also a woman in my forties, which makes me, if not more staid, at least more experienced with having done, well, a LOT. So while I might visit someplace new (and since I’m in the travel business, I do so regularly) my activities are usually ones I have experienced before, just in other spaces in the world.
So it was with great excitement that, on my tenth trip to Bali, I finally... Read more…
The price tag was kind of hefty. I mean, $110 a person, for one night, one meal? This is Luxor, Egypt, not Luxor, Las Vegas. We had checked into the… Read more…
Spirit Quest Travel to the Land of the Thunder Dragon – Part 2
Quest travel might mean you are hurrying to get to the monastery, but the Thunder Dragon will not be tamed that way. Try a smile. The Bhutanese smile is infectious, and when returned, it grows ten-fold! Read more…
“How can you go to Cuba? You’re American.” I hear this over and over again from friends. From the Cuban Americans I meet in Miami, I hear worse: “Be careful -… Read more…