This is Part II of a V-part series on my experiences in Cuba. Read Part I The hostal in Trinidad, El RinTinTin (Calle Simón Bolivar (Desengaño) #553 Trinidad), is run… Read more…
For the last eleven years in Egypt, independent travel to places like Abydos or Denderah was forbidden by the government. Numerous cities could only be visited by tourists who traveled together in armed convoys. Happily this decade-long restriction ... Read more…
This is the Foreign Office’s latest travel advice for popular holiday destinations
Going on a summer holiday is one of the best British traditions.Travelling to somewhere hot to lounge around in the sun for a couple of weeks, it’s basically perfection.Have you… Read more…
Unlike the recent hybrids, the gas drives the electric motor, but the only way to recharge the battery is to plug it back in; the engine doesn't do the recharging for you. This seems like a drawback in theory, but during the four days... Read more…
Over the years, I’ve traveled with hundreds of our guests all over the world, and seen dozens of people petrified at the thought of getting on a plane. There’s something… Read more…