In honor of the wonderful book Eat, Pray, Love and the movie (which is filming in Bali this month!) Spirit Quest Tours is hosting an "Eat, Pray, and Love Bali"… Read more…
While meditation, nature walks, and yoga are my usual paths to the sacred, I often forget my emotional connection to the joy of just being. Riding down the beach with the breeze on my face and the sun at my back was a delight... Read more…
Top tips to prep ride for summer-vacation travel
Friends, the summer travel season is here. Soon, like countless Canucks, you’ll likely be hitting the road in whatever you drive for an extended period, to partake in camping, visiting,… Read more…
Stop off in Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Follow the steps up and you will find yourself in a mini-Reichsmuseum exhibit, which changes regularly. Twenty or so paintings hung behind glass, and so few visitors you can get Read more…
10 Quick Tips To Elevate Your Vacation
Going on a vacation? Use this guide to create a different kind of experience and make sure you have the best time of your life – after all, it’s your… Read more…