A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 3 of 4)
Another morning I follow the signs that say “nature walk”, down the steep mossy steps to a stone Balinese bathing fountain, past a splashing waterfall, along the river which marks the edge of the Maya property. I walk past plants whose leaves unfurl so large over my head that I could take shelter in a rainstorm. Read more…
Travel to Egypt is a marvelous thing. There are many ways to facilitate Egypt travel, from flights that go straight from New York to Cairo, to stops in Amsterdam or… Read more…
Silicon Valley News – Reports of Protests in Egypt Thin Crowds, Despite Calm
U.S. news reports have been filled over the last few weeks with footage of angry protests in Egypt, but Halle Eavelyn and a group of intrepid travelers led by Spirit… Read more…
What You Need To Know Before Traveling To Morocco
So you're planning your Morocco travel! As they say in Arabic, Mabruk! (Congratulations). Now what? Well, before you get on the plane, there are some things you probably want to… Read more…
(This is Part V of a V-part series on my experiences in Cuba. Read Part I , Part II, Part III and Part IV) At breakfast this morning in the… Read more…