While meditation, nature walks, and yoga are my usual paths to the sacred, I often forget my emotional connection to the joy of just being. Riding down the beach with the breeze on my face and the sun at my back was a delight... Read more…
Spiritual travel: A visit to the holy springs of Tirta Empul is a glimpse inside Bali's spiritual heart. Almost devoid of tourists but brimming with locals come to take the… Read more…
Egypt Travel Tips – 5 things you should know before you go
Most of the guests who come on our trips have never been to Egypt before - hey, some of them have never left their country before! We want to make everyone comfortable and at ease, but we do always get the same questions in advance of a trip and after ten years, I thought this should be the first thing I address in my brand new blog! Read more…
Peru: A Healing Journey to the Amazon Jungle
When it was my turn, I was shocked at what happened! I looked down at my stomach and then closed my eyes. While Don Maximo was singing, I heard an audible voice that seemed to come from the ethes, telling me that Read more…
Talking Alternative Radio Interview – The Conscious Consultant Hour
July 12, 2013... a great, informative and fun interview talking about our spiritual awakenings, why spiritual travel is so important for your soul, our upcoming trips, and more! The Spiritual… Read more…