A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 4 of 4)
On our spiritual tour of Bali, we have just received beautiful massage treatments and pampering in a couples suite. It's helping me to feel like I've found some balance for the first time in a while... Read more…
Long haul destinations boost German travel source market this summer
Hotelbeds Group has announced today –ahead of ITB Berlin from 7-11 March- that bookings measured by room nights from the German source market for its bedbank brands – including Hotelbeds,… Read more…
In honor of finishing my first draft of my book Travels Through Egypt I am posting a section on the guys who rent the camels, which is a favorite story - enjoy!… Read more…
Inside a Sufi Rave: The Ecstasy of Faith by Greg Roach
"My feet know what to do." -Pauline Oliveros The urge to spin is irresistible. I look across the room at my buddy, Josh, who's spontaneously been overtaken by the same impulse.… Read more…
Egyptian Food – Lunch outside Sakkhara
This is the next installment of my book, tentatively titled, "Travels through Egypt." After visiting the Temple of Sakkhara, we always go to the same restaurant, one of everyone's favorites… Read more…