Finding Spirituality Everywhere
About every quarter, we pack an overnight bag, leave the dogs with a housesitter, and drive the two-and-a-half hours from LA to San Diego to visit my favorite cousin, Randy, and his long-time girlfriend, Lisa. Wonderful people, warm, hospitable and friendly, Lisa is a Catholic who attends mass, well, religiously, and Randy is a bit of an atheist. In fact, he seems to have embraced food as his religion, and Greg and I inevitably come home with a "meat hangover" by Sunday evening. Read more…
What You Need To Know Before Traveling To Morocco
So you're planning your Morocco travel! As they say in Arabic, Mabruk! (Congratulations). Now what? Well, before you get on the plane, there are some things you probably want to… Read more…
How the Freemasons Helped to Found America
How did all of these disparate fellows, whose lives should never have even overlapped, come to share ideals common enough to form an entire nation? What causes a poor printer and a wealthy land owner to be... Read more…
Top 10 Reasons To Travel To Cuba
Cuba is almost frozen in time since then, and Americans have mostly forgotten about Cuba travels to the magical land once billed as "Year-Round Paradise." So before the borders are flung open, here are our Top 10 Reasons To Travel to Cuba:
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This is Part IV of a V-part series on my experiences in Cuba. Read Part I , Part II and Part III. Today we are going to check into the… Read more…