How Travel Can Heal Your Grief or Pain
“Something crappy happened at work – I need a vacation!” How many times have you heard this from colleagues, or thought it yourself? But what about, “My husband cheated on… Read more…
Indianapolis Business Journal – Romance & Adventure with Special Travel Deals for Valentine’s
Spirit Quest has developed itineraries for three romantic destinations in 2013: France, Bali and Spain. In addition to visiting some of the most popular sites in these countries, trips with… Read more…
The Great Wall of my heart comes down…
How do you answer when someone asks why you fell in love with a person? Often the answer sounds something like: “I just know.” This was China’s surprise for me. Read more…
A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 4 of 4)
On our spiritual tour of Bali, we have just received beautiful massage treatments and pampering in a couples suite. It's helping me to feel like I've found some balance for the first time in a while... Read more…
Bali Spiritual Tour: Eat-Pray-Love
We're in Bali enjoying the gorgeous scenery and sacred energy of just one of the island's 10,000 temples. This enchanted land is spectacularly beautiful so I invite you to sit for a moment and... Read more…