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The Healing Energies of Machu Piccu
In honor of Spirit Quest Tours' new partnership with Resonating Miracles and the upcoming Peru trip in January, 2013, spiritual tour leader Angela Mandato is guest-posting on Halle's blog this… Read more…
The Exhilarating, Terrifying Experience of Doing Something NEW
I’m a fairly adventuresome person, but I don’t have that thrill gene—you know, the one that makes you want to sky dive and bungee jump and have sex in public places. But I’m also a woman in my forties, which makes me, if not more staid, at least more experienced with having done, well, a LOT. So while I might visit someplace new (and since I’m in the travel business, I do so regularly) my activities are usually ones I have experienced before, just in other spaces in the world.
So it was with great excitement that, on my tenth trip to Bali, I finally... Read more…
Should I Still Travel To ____? Taking Trips During Civil Unrest
Don't listen to your family, your friends, or your co-workers. Unless they do more than just watch the news (and even then, sometimes) they are likely just saying the same fear-based things they hear on television. And when was the last time they took an international trip? They're your dreams, not theirs.
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He was a young fellow, Scots as I suspected, and he was kind and polite and told us in no uncertain terms that if we attempted to breach the fence he would have to shoot us. “Just in... Read more…