Gifts You Get From a Spiritual Journey
I’ve talked about spiritual staycations and why to take spiritual trips, but what do you GET from this type of experience? For me and for many of the guests we take… Read more…
John Locher, world traveler, lover of all things China, and tour leader for our Spirit of China trip, guests this week on Halle’s blog. In March 1974, two farmer brothers… Read more…
NEWS BRIEF+VIDEO: The Use of Sound in Ancient Rituals
Two recent news stories - from very different parts of the world - help to confirm what we've known for a very long time: namely that sound was an integral part of ancient spiritual practices and that resonance was a key "technology" that wa... Read more…
Further Thoughts on The End of the World
I hadn’t thought the world would end, not really, but the recent school massacre in Newtown back home made me wonder if it might have gone mad. Now I suddenly felt so lucky to be alive, so happy to be in this crazy, wonderful city where I had drunk tea in Tahrir Square not two weeks earlier, so glad to be graced with this intrepid band of fearless travelers who saw what the news said and came to Egypt anyway. Read more…