I am sitting in the stunning, airy bar of my gorgeous Balinese hotel and I am sweating… a lot. I’ve just had a ten-minute walk, the slow, meandering kind, but it… Read more…
Stop off in Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Follow the steps up and you will find yourself in a mini-Reichsmuseum exhibit, which changes regularly. Twenty or so paintings hung behind glass, and so few visitors you can get Read more…
Bhutan Part II: Gross National Happiness by Joshua Liberman
The simplicity of a cup of tea, or the sincere hospitality of having dinner in a family home reveals the depth of care the of the Bhutanese heart. "When my guests are happy... Read more…
Travel Company Derails Couple’s Vacation Refund
A medical emergency sidelined a suburban couple's trip abroad. Then, the travel company derails their refund. That's when they asked NBC 5 Responds to take on their case. Here's Lisa… Read more…
For the last eleven years in Egypt, independent travel to places like Abydos or Denderah was forbidden by the government. Numerous cities could only be visited by tourists who traveled together in armed convoys. Happily this decade-long restriction ... Read more…