Kaua’i Adventures For Your Heart & Soul
Have you ever visited Kaua’i? Chances are, if you did you saw terrific beaches, not to mention great hotels, world-class golfing, sweet local restaurants, and (if you got really lucky),… Read more…
The Exhilarating, Terrifying Experience of Doing Something NEW
I’m a fairly adventuresome person, but I don’t have that thrill gene—you know, the one that makes you want to sky dive and bungee jump and have sex in public places. But I’m also a woman in my forties, which makes me, if not more staid, at least more experienced with having done, well, a LOT. So while I might visit someplace new (and since I’m in the travel business, I do so regularly) my activities are usually ones I have experienced before, just in other spaces in the world.
So it was with great excitement that, on my tenth trip to Bali, I finally... Read more…
360º of Spirituality at the Luxe Sunset Hotel
I had an unexpected encounter last week with the Luxe Hotel Sunset, the new hotel in tony Bel-Air, in Los Angeles. And to pay homage to the awesome Signature 360º… Read more…
SQT News: Moses Trip to Offer SEVEN Private Site Visits
Spirit Quest News: Early-Bird Discounts, and more...
Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers-
Greg is just back from a great trip to Houston and we have a few news items to share with you all.
Greg's Back from Houston, Spiri... Read more…
Ramadan, the most important Muslim holiday, is celebrated for the whole month, and it changes almost everything about Cairo. Ramadan is a time to get closer to God, making self-sacrifices to be awake and aware of your choices, so people fast all day every day during the month of Ramadan. Read more…