Experiencing dawn at the Temple of Isis at Philae should be a part of everyone’s holidays in Egypt. However, usually only people going for spiritual travel will get to have this incredible opportunity.
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Spiritual Travel Opportunities Abound
we are thrilled to be returning to Madrid, Barcelona, and that gastronomique center, La Mancha, for our Tilting at Windmills: Wine, Tapas and Tales tour! I mean, where else can you go that has a "Museum of Ham?" (actually, as series of tapas bars, but how fun is that?) Read more…
Egyptian Spirit Guides – Mohamed Nazmy & Emil Shaker
This is the 2nd excerpt from my work-in-progress memoir, Travels Through Egypt. This is the last part of chapter 3. If you have a suggestion for the name, let me… Read more…
Travel Megatrends 2018: European Travelers Return to Once-Disrupted Destinations – Skift
Earlier this month we released our annual travel industry trends forecast, Skift Megatrends 2018. You can read about each of the trends on Skift, or download a copy of our… Read more…
This is the Foreign Office’s latest travel advice for popular holiday destinations
Going on a summer holiday is one of the best British traditions.Travelling to somewhere hot to lounge around in the sun for a couple of weeks, it’s basically perfection.Have you… Read more…