AM New York writes about our upcoming Eat Pray Love Bali trip!
Peru: A Healing Journey to the Amazon Jungle
When it was my turn, I was shocked at what happened! I looked down at my stomach and then closed my eyes. While Don Maximo was singing, I heard an audible voice that seemed to come from the ethes, telling me that Read more…
The Exhilarating, Terrifying Experience of Doing Something NEW
I’m a fairly adventuresome person, but I don’t have that thrill gene—you know, the one that makes you want to sky dive and bungee jump and have sex in public places. But I’m also a woman in my forties, which makes me, if not more staid, at least more experienced with having done, well, a LOT. So while I might visit someplace new (and since I’m in the travel business, I do so regularly) my activities are usually ones I have experienced before, just in other spaces in the world.
So it was with great excitement that, on my tenth trip to Bali, I finally... Read more…
Vacation Website Reveals Top 10 Winter Holiday Destinations for New Jersey Families
Holiday Gift Guide 2017From gift guides to local events, your one-stop shop for the holiday season More Photo Galleries NY Family Stumbles Upon Rare Natural Phenomenon2017 California Wildfires in PhotosSource
Choose a Better Path, Take Care Of Yourself First
As the owner of a spiritual travel company, I get to see people on vacation who are also seeking to change their lives for the better. Over time, I have… Read more…