Sweating it out: Experiencing the Temezcal
This ritual is a rebirthing of sorts, he explains. As the others have done before me, I touch my forehead to the sparse grass at the mouth of the temezcal. “All my relations,” I intone properly, while connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sky, my ancestors, my family, my friends — in keeping with Read more…
Greg and I are in London this week. and enjoyed a visit to the Columbia Flower Market - here's a little taste of England at the holidays... (Don't forget to… Read more…
Feeling Special at Houston’s Hotel Derek
In every city, there are hotels designed to be one-of-a-kind—boutique and classy. When I’m looking for a spiritual retreat, I pride myself on seeking these havens out and enjoying… Read more…
The Dawning Egypt 2012 Conference Call
Don't worry if your missed our conference call because we recorded it for you! You can listen to the full recording by clicking this link: The Dawning: Egypt 2012 Conference… Read more…
Finding Spirituality Everywhere
About every quarter, we pack an overnight bag, leave the dogs with a housesitter, and drive the two-and-a-half hours from LA to San Diego to visit my favorite cousin, Randy, and his long-time girlfriend, Lisa. Wonderful people, warm, hospitable and friendly, Lisa is a Catholic who attends mass, well, religiously, and Randy is a bit of an atheist. In fact, he seems to have embraced food as his religion, and Greg and I inevitably come home with a "meat hangover" by Sunday evening. Read more…