Luxe or Budget: How a Great Boutique Hotel Improves Your Vacation
I recently spent a few days in Paris, at the height of the summer. It was beastly hot, and the downside of Paris being voted the #1 tourist destination is,… Read more…
A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 4 of 4)
On our spiritual tour of Bali, we have just received beautiful massage treatments and pampering in a couples suite. It's helping me to feel like I've found some balance for the first time in a while... Read more…
Spiritual Travel Opportunities Abound
we are thrilled to be returning to Madrid, Barcelona, and that gastronomique center, La Mancha, for our Tilting at Windmills: Wine, Tapas and Tales tour! I mean, where else can you go that has a "Museum of Ham?" (actually, as series of tapas bars, but how fun is that?) Read more…
Why I Travel to “Dangerous” Destinations
“India? Why don’t you go somewhere like Italy instead?”“You shouldn’t visit Istanbul right now.”“Bosnia? Is it safe to travel there?”I’ve heard endless variations of these statements again and again over… Read more…
Travel Safety Tips How to manage money on vacation
Ahhhh, summertime! Pool time … picnic time … sports time … and vacation time!You’ve booked your time off work; reserved the hotel, flights, car rental, tours and cruises; stopped your… Read more…