Botin in Madrid – Dinner at the oldest restaurant in the world!
After our last Egypt tour, Greg and I stopped over on the way home, for two-and-a-half glorious days in Madrid. The weather was fine, sunny and cold enough for a… Read more…
NEWS BRIEF+VIDEO: The Use of Sound in Ancient Rituals
Two recent news stories - from very different parts of the world - help to confirm what we've known for a very long time: namely that sound was an integral part of ancient spiritual practices and that resonance was a key "technology" that wa... Read more…
Spirit Quest Travel to the Land of the Thunder Dragon – Part 2
Quest travel might mean you are hurrying to get to the monastery, but the Thunder Dragon will not be tamed that way. Try a smile. The Bhutanese smile is infectious, and when returned, it grows ten-fold! Read more…
Over the years, I’ve traveled with hundreds of our guests all over the world, and seen dozens of people petrified at the thought of getting on a plane. There’s something… Read more…
Check out tour leader Halle Eavelyn in this USA TODAY photo essay