(This is Part V of a V-part series on my experiences in Cuba. Read Part I , Part II, Part III and Part IV) At breakfast this morning in the… Read more…
Spiritual Travel Opportunities Abound
we are thrilled to be returning to Madrid, Barcelona, and that gastronomique center, La Mancha, for our Tilting at Windmills: Wine, Tapas and Tales tour! I mean, where else can you go that has a "Museum of Ham?" (actually, as series of tapas bars, but how fun is that?) Read more…
Silicon Valley News – Reports of Protests in Egypt Thin Crowds, Despite Calm
U.S. news reports have been filled over the last few weeks with footage of angry protests in Egypt, but Halle Eavelyn and a group of intrepid travelers led by Spirit… Read more…
How the Freemasons Helped to Found America
How did all of these disparate fellows, whose lives should never have even overlapped, come to share ideals common enough to form an entire nation? What causes a poor printer and a wealthy land owner to be... Read more…
10 Packing Questions That Will Save You Money & Suitcase Space
You know the travel expression, "Bring twice as much money and half as much clothing"? Westerners are inherently a consumer culture these days, and we LIKE our stuff. I just… Read more…