OMG: Falling through Delta’s cracks
I have waxed on about the wonders of Changi airport, Singapore's modern and pampering layover heaven, with its free movie theatre, orchid gardens and butterfly sanctuary, not to mention food halls, sleeping lounges, spas, and transit hotels in each of its three terminals. Well, I missed a crucial point until that night: all of its delights lie behind immigration. We, on the other hand, were Read more…
Bedouin Art in the Sinai Desert
Most of the pieces you can buy in Egypt are dirt cheap – it has to do with the economy, the cost of materials, the average salary being so low, etc. and everyone takes advantage of the low prices and buys a lot of things when they visit. But out in the Sinai desert, one woman is changing all that.
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In honor of the wonderful book Eat, Pray, Love and the movie (which is filming in Bali this month!) Spirit Quest Tours is hosting an "Eat, Pray, and Love Bali"… Read more…
SQT News: Moses Trip to Offer SEVEN Private Site Visits
Spirit Quest News: Early-Bird Discounts, and more...
Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers-
Greg is just back from a great trip to Houston and we have a few news items to share with you all.
Greg's Back from Houston, Spiri... Read more…