Sweating it out: Experiencing the Temezcal
This ritual is a rebirthing of sorts, he explains. As the others have done before me, I touch my forehead to the sparse grass at the mouth of the temezcal. “All my relations,” I intone properly, while connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sky, my ancestors, my family, my friends — in keeping with Read more…
World’s 10 FASTEST growing travel destinations revealed – guess which city made top spot?
GETTY TRAVEL: These 10 destinations are set to become very popular by 2025At present Paris is the world’s most popular travel destination, followed |Read More
Best Tourist Destinations in Odisha for Summer Vacation Tour and Travel!
During summer many people plan tours and travels to their desire tourist destinations. A place those has a different charm such as a good environment or something special in terms… Read more…
The Stunning, Spiritual Barcelona Sagrada Familia Basilica
Sagrada Família is a combination of Art Deco and Gothic, and the resulting form is both arresting and unusual, with spires reaching to the skies and square-jawed interpretations of the usual decorative figures – it is widely considered the most unique... Read more…