Silicon Valley News – Reports of Protests in Egypt Thin Crowds, Despite Calm
U.S. news reports have been filled over the last few weeks with footage of angry protests in Egypt, but Halle Eavelyn and a group of intrepid travelers led by Spirit… Read more…
In my line of work, which is developing spiritual travel and leading spiritual tours, I get this question a lot. People usually ask for one of two reasons: either they… Read more…
Sweating it out: Experiencing the Temezcal
This ritual is a rebirthing of sorts, he explains. As the others have done before me, I touch my forehead to the sparse grass at the mouth of the temezcal. “All my relations,” I intone properly, while connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sky, my ancestors, my family, my friends — in keeping with Read more…
or some of us, our tours are marked by visits to islands of happiness; for others, we seem to travel from tragic place to tragic place, as if the only hotels open to us were the sad, run-down ones where the mattress sags, the coffee is cold, and the staff is only ever rude. Read more…
For the last eleven years in Egypt, independent travel to places like Abydos or Denderah was forbidden by the government. Numerous cities could only be visited by tourists who traveled together in armed convoys. Happily this decade-long restriction ... Read more…