Sweating it out: Experiencing the Temezcal
This ritual is a rebirthing of sorts, he explains. As the others have done before me, I touch my forehead to the sparse grass at the mouth of the temezcal. “All my relations,” I intone properly, while connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sky, my ancestors, my family, my friends — in keeping with Read more…
NG Video: The Alexandria Library
Here's a wonderful video from National Geographic about the New Alexandria Library. Greg had the great good-fortune to be invited by Unesco to present a paper at the library's grand opening opening back in 2001. It's an amazing structure that rivals a... Read more…
After lunch, I wanted to smoke a hookah. Mohamed, our other guide, laughed. “You mean a shisha, my sister. What kind of flavor do you want?” Shisha (called a hookah in places like Turkey),… Read more…
Sacred Sites Throughout the World
Monday March 9th 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Distant Lands Bookstore
56 S. Raymond Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91105
(800) 310-3220
Distant Lands Website
What impulse in the human spirit has, for millennia, caused us to ... Read more…
The Best Beach Destinations for a Last-Minute Vacation
Ideal escapes for when the traveling bug hits.Read More