OMG: Falling through Delta’s cracks
I have waxed on about the wonders of Changi airport, Singapore's modern and pampering layover heaven, with its free movie theatre, orchid gardens and butterfly sanctuary, not to mention food halls, sleeping lounges, spas, and transit hotels in each of its three terminals. Well, I missed a crucial point until that night: all of its delights lie behind immigration. We, on the other hand, were Read more…
Eat, Pray & Love the Bliss of Bali – Part I
Well, I'm trying something new... a guest blogger! This came about very organically. One of the guests on our Eat Pray & Love Bali tour in May, Kiya Cote, wrote… Read more…
How the Freemasons Helped to Found America
How did all of these disparate fellows, whose lives should never have even overlapped, come to share ideals common enough to form an entire nation? What causes a poor printer and a wealthy land owner to be... Read more…
This is Part IV of a V-part series on my experiences in Cuba. Read Part I , Part II and Part III. Today we are going to check into the… Read more…
What’s New on Our Eat Pray Love Tour?
We’ve been doing our Eat Pray Love Bali tour for almost 3 years now, and over time, we’ve changed it up a bit, based on feedback and our own… Read more…