Choose a Better Path, Take Care Of Yourself First
As the owner of a spiritual travel company, I get to see people on vacation who are also seeking to change their lives for the better. Over time, I have… Read more…
The Best Place To Be For the End Of the World
The date is 12/12/12, the last number in the repeating series we've been experiencing for the past dozen years. This is on top of 12/21/12, its near twin, when we will either experience a date of strong planetary alignment or the apocalypse. In other words, if we make it past Christmas, we're golden. Read more…
PRESS RELEASE: Spiritual Tours on the Rise
Spiritual Tours on the Rise
Spirit Quest Tours is leading the way for spiritual travel to sacred sites
July 16, 2008 ----- Boutique spiritual tours to Egypt, Bali, and other spiritual sites are a trend on the rise nationally, as one in four US tr... Read more…
Travel Troubleshooter: No vacation, no refund?
A canceled resort reservation, a promised refund -- and still no money? What now?Read More
Most of the Black Madonnas have been hidden in forgotten corners of ancient churches or incorporated seamlessly into Catholicism as if they were not Read more…