Drinking Tea in Tahrir: Actual Reality vs Reality TV
As I sipped and smiled, I realized there was a world of difference between the news—reality TV showing those heightened moments that make good drama, and reality—what I was now living. Read more…
John Locher, world traveler, lover of all things China, and tour leader for our Spirit of China trip, guests this week on Halle’s blog. In March 1974, two farmer brothers… Read more…
The Healing Energies of Machu Piccu
In honor of Spirit Quest Tours' new partnership with Resonating Miracles and the upcoming Peru trip in January, 2013, spiritual tour leader Angela Mandato is guest-posting on Halle's blog this… Read more…
Botin in Madrid – Dinner at the oldest restaurant in the world!
After our last Egypt tour, Greg and I stopped over on the way home, for two-and-a-half glorious days in Madrid. The weather was fine, sunny and cold enough for a… Read more…
PRESS RELEASE: Spiritual Tours on the Rise
Spiritual Tours on the Rise
Spirit Quest Tours is leading the way for spiritual travel to sacred sites
July 16, 2008 ----- Boutique spiritual tours to Egypt, Bali, and other spiritual sites are a trend on the rise nationally, as one in four US tr... Read more…