An Expensive Security Loophole in International Travel by Greg Roach
Ten minutes later I stand before the withering gaze of one of these "experts" who can't seem to comprehend that the reason for my suspiciously exotic... Read more…
A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 3 of 4)
Another morning I follow the signs that say “nature walk”, down the steep mossy steps to a stone Balinese bathing fountain, past a splashing waterfall, along the river which marks the edge of the Maya property. I walk past plants whose leaves unfurl so large over my head that I could take shelter in a rainstorm. Read more…
How Travel Can Heal Your Grief or Pain
“Something crappy happened at work – I need a vacation!” How many times have you heard this from colleagues, or thought it yourself? But what about, “My husband cheated on… Read more…
NEWS BRIEF+VIDEO: The Use of Sound in Ancient Rituals
Two recent news stories - from very different parts of the world - help to confirm what we've known for a very long time: namely that sound was an integral part of ancient spiritual practices and that resonance was a key "technology" that wa... Read more…
Experiencing Spiritual Awakenings Through Travel
My whole life, I was an atheist. I didn't believe in anything, except that their might be some "energy thingy" out there that made the universe tick. After all, if there… Read more…