How Travel Can Heal Your Grief or Pain
“Something crappy happened at work – I need a vacation!” How many times have you heard this from colleagues, or thought it yourself? But what about, “My husband cheated on… Read more…
From the time of the Middle Ages, people in Southern France have honored Les Saintes Maries—"The Saint Maries"—with Sara's Procession to the Sea. Candles in hand, the crowds of worshippers take part… Read more…
World’s 10 FASTEST growing travel destinations revealed – guess which city made top spot?
GETTY TRAVEL: These 10 destinations are set to become very popular by 2025At present Paris is the world’s most popular travel destination, followed |Read More
Webinar: The Spirit of Ancient Egypt
Full details about Spirit Quest Tours' upcoming trip to Egypt with Houston Baptist University: The Spirit of Ancient Egypt. This unique trip features four-star accommodations, private visits (including the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid) and fascinating... Read more…
Egyptian Food – Lunch outside Sakkhara
This is the next installment of my book, tentatively titled, "Travels through Egypt." After visiting the Temple of Sakkhara, we always go to the same restaurant, one of everyone's favorites… Read more…