Ramadan, the most important Muslim holiday, is celebrated for the whole month, and it changes almost everything about Cairo. Ramadan is a time to get closer to God, making self-sacrifices to be awake and aware of your choices, so people fast all day every day during the month of Ramadan. Read more…
Don't listen to your family, your friends, or your co-workers. Unless they do more than just watch the news (and even then, sometimes) they are likely just saying the same fear-based things they hear on television. And when was the last time they took an international trip? They're your dreams, not theirs. Read more…
Spirit Quest News: Early-Bird Discounts, and more... Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers- Greg is just back from a great trip to Houston and we have a few news items to share with you all. =============================
We were in South Africa on other business when we were offered a luxury cabin for several days at Thula Thula, the exclusive private game preserve created by world-renowned conservationist Lawrence Anthony and his wife Francoise, which offers a wonderful wild safari vacation. Read more…
Ketut Liyer - visiting with a BalianDid you read "Eat Pray Love"? Do you want to meet with a famous Balinese Shaman? Ketut Liyer, thanks to the best-selling book, "Eat Pray Love", has found himself catapulted to fame and at least some small fortune as the most important Balian on an island of very spiritual people. And earlier this year, Spirit Quest Tours was in Bali for two weeks with a group of 35 American tourists, many of whom had read the book and were hoping to meet Ketut. Luckily, our Balinese guide knew him, and where he lived, and I was able to send him over to Ubud to set up an afternoon for our group to see him.
Egypt Travel Tips - 5 things you should know before you goMost of the guests who come on our trips have never been to Egypt before - hey, some of them have never left their country before! We want to make everyone comfortable and at ease, but we do always get the same questions in advance of a trip and after ten years, I thought this should be the first thing I address in my brand new blog!