A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 1 of 4)
Finding Balance in Bali This is part 1 of a 4 part series about a recent trip we took to Bali I am sitting in the stunning, airy bar… Read more…
In researching our first-ever US tour, Esoteric America, I discovered a forgotten fact: America has its own goddess. The name Columbia was originally Read more…
Tree of Life Metaphysical Books and Gifts – San Diego, CA
Join Halle at Tree of Life Metaphysical Books and Gifts from 5:00pm-6:00pm in San Diego for a weekend reading of Red Goddess Rising. She’ll be reading excerpts from her spiritual… Read more…
How the Freemasons Helped to Found America
How did all of these disparate fellows, whose lives should never have even overlapped, come to share ideals common enough to form an entire nation? What causes a poor printer and a wealthy land owner to be... Read more…
Peru: A Healing Journey to the Amazon Jungle
When it was my turn, I was shocked at what happened! I looked down at my stomach and then closed my eyes. While Don Maximo was singing, I heard an audible voice that seemed to come from the ethes, telling me that Read more…