The 5 Most Instagram-Friendly Travel Destinations in 2018
"I could talk about Tulum for an hour," writes McCune. "Tulum is a blogger's paradise and has really taken off because of Instagram. The food is amazing, and it's full… Read more…
Peru: A Healing Journey to the Amazon Jungle
When it was my turn, I was shocked at what happened! I looked down at my stomach and then closed my eyes. While Don Maximo was singing, I heard an audible voice that seemed to come from the ethes, telling me that Read more…
NG Video: The Alexandria Library
Here's a wonderful video from National Geographic about the New Alexandria Library. Greg had the great good-fortune to be invited by Unesco to present a paper at the library's grand opening opening back in 2001. It's an amazing structure that rivals a... Read more…
Presentation about Spirit Quest Tours upcoming "Spirit of Moses" trip to Egypt and the Sinai - featuring 4 star accommodations, private temple and site visits (including a private visit to the Great Pyramid and Sphinx), a deluxe Nile cruise ... Read more…