For the last eleven years in Egypt, independent travel to places like Abydos or Denderah was forbidden by the government. Numerous cities could only be visited by tourists who traveled together in armed convoys. Happily this decade-long restriction ... Read more…
Bali Spiritual Tour: Eat-Pray-Love
We're in Bali enjoying the gorgeous scenery and sacred energy of just one of the island's 10,000 temples. This enchanted land is spectacularly beautiful so I invite you to sit for a moment and... Read more…
How the Freemasons Helped to Found America
How did all of these disparate fellows, whose lives should never have even overlapped, come to share ideals common enough to form an entire nation? What causes a poor printer and a wealthy land owner to be... Read more…
Tiger’s Nest, Bhutan: Happiness at the Roof of the World
Step on to the path climbing 3000 vertical feet to Taktsang Palphug (known commonly as “Tiger’s Nest”) and you will begin a trek that the people of Bhutan have been making for over 300 years. The way isn’t easy, but it’s also not hard, and, thankfully, the path is clearly marked. Read more…
AM New York writes about our upcoming Eat Pray Love Bali trip!