OMG: Falling through Delta’s cracks
I have waxed on about the wonders of Changi airport, Singapore's modern and pampering layover heaven, with its free movie theatre, orchid gardens and butterfly sanctuary, not to mention food halls, sleeping lounges, spas, and transit hotels in each of its three terminals. Well, I missed a crucial point until that night: all of its delights lie behind immigration. We, on the other hand, were Read more…
Travel to Egypt is a marvelous thing. There are many ways to facilitate Egypt travel, from flights that go straight from New York to Cairo, to stops in Amsterdam or… Read more…
Today we drove to Alexandria. It's about 3 hours from Cairo by bus (with a 20 minute rest stop at the largest souvenir mall we can find), through desert being… Read more…
In researching our first-ever US tour, Esoteric America, I discovered a forgotten fact: America has its own goddess. The name Columbia was originally Read more…
6 Suggested Historical Destinations For Student Travel –
Student travel promises to be an enjoyable trip. Not only do students can visit several places, they could also learn so much on every trip. And since air travel agencies… Read more…