This is a letter from Greg Roach, my partner in Spirit Quest Tours. This is an incredible opportunity, and we will personally cover $1000 of the cost of your trip… Read more…
“Something crappy happened at work – I need a vacation!” How many times have you heard this from colleagues, or thought it yourself? But what about, “My husband cheated on… Read more…
As the old year flows into the new, I focus my thoughts on what has been and what will be for me. It’s a great time for reflection and thinking… Read more…
Squishy, smooth and cool. That's how it feels as I bring the food to my mouth. At first, I taste something familiar, but as I query my taste buds for… Read more…
Ketut Liyer - visiting with a BalianDid you read "Eat Pray Love"? Do you want to meet with a famous Balinese Shaman? Ketut Liyer, thanks to the best-selling book, "Eat Pray Love", has found himself catapulted to fame and at least some small fortune as the most important Balian on an island of very spiritual people. And earlier this year, Spirit Quest Tours was in Bali for two weeks with a group of 35 American tourists, many of whom had read the book and were hoping to meet Ketut. Luckily, our Balinese guide knew him, and where he lived, and I was able to send him over to Ubud to set up an afternoon for our group to see him.
Egypt Travel Tips - 5 things you should know before you goMost of the guests who come on our trips have never been to Egypt before - hey, some of them have never left their country before! We want to make everyone comfortable and at ease, but we do always get the same questions in advance of a trip and after ten years, I thought this should be the first thing I address in my brand new blog!