I am sitting in the stunning, airy bar of my gorgeous Balinese hotel and I am sweating… a lot. I’ve just had a ten-minute walk, the slow, meandering kind, but it… Read more…
or some of us, our tours are marked by visits to islands of happiness; for others, we seem to travel from tragic place to tragic place, as if the only hotels open to us were the sad, run-down ones where the mattress sags, the coffee is cold, and the staff is only ever rude. Read more…
Experiencing Spiritual Awakenings Through Travel
Many of these spiritual travel shifts occurred with women who needed some sort of heart Spiritual travel Egypthealing. They had been through a traumatic divorce, the death of their spouse, or in some way lost part of themselves to the "stuff that happens along the way." Like the woman whose husband had an affair. She had left him nearly ten years ago, but on some level, still thought it was her fault and had been punishing herself ever since. Read more…
I just got back from almost two glorious weeks in Spain, and it made me realize... Read more…
Sunday, November 9th
7:30pm - 9:00pm
The Bodhi Tree Bookstore Annex
8585 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, CA 90069-5199
Telephone: (310) 659-1733
This detailed presentation will offer an in-depth examination of the ... Read more…