Ramadan, the most important Muslim holiday, is celebrated for the whole month, and it changes almost everything about Cairo. Ramadan is a time to get closer to God, making self-sacrifices to be awake and aware of your choices, so people fast all day every day during the month of Ramadan. Read more…
9 destinations from around the world that are amazing for solo travel
Solo travel can prove to be an empowering and invigorating experience, full of self-revelatory moments and deep connections. Travelling alone, you learn how to get out of your comfort zone, do things… Read more…
This is Part III of a V-part series on my experiences in Cuba. Read Part I and Part II The inside of the 1955 Chevrolet is like a spaceship. The… Read more…
Los Angeles Daily News – 2013 is the Year to See the World That Did Not End
The world didn't end, but you can still travel to the ends of the earth. Spirit Quest Tours takes its first tour of the year to Machu Picchu and Peru.… Read more…
“How can you go to Cuba? You’re American.” I hear this over and over again from friends. From the Cuban Americans I meet in Miami, I hear worse: “Be careful -… Read more…