Today we drove to Alexandria. It's about 3 hours from Cairo by bus (with a 20 minute rest stop at the largest souvenir mall we can find), through desert being… Read more…
Travel Inspiration: 5 Amazing Trekking Destinations
Holidays for me are far more about getting out and exploring than they are about kicking back and relaxing. Over the years, my style of travel has become increasingly about… Read more…
AM New York writes about our upcoming Eat Pray Love Bali trip!
Silicon Valley News – Reports of Protests in Egypt Thin Crowds, Despite Calm
U.S. news reports have been filled over the last few weeks with footage of angry protests in Egypt, but Halle Eavelyn and a group of intrepid travelers led by Spirit… Read more…
Should I Still Travel To ____? Taking Trips During Civil Unrest
Don't listen to your family, your friends, or your co-workers. Unless they do more than just watch the news (and even then, sometimes) they are likely just saying the same fear-based things they hear on television. And when was the last time they took an international trip? They're your dreams, not theirs.
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