SQT News: Moses Trip to Offer SEVEN Private Site Visits
Spirit Quest News: Early-Bird Discounts, and more...
Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers-
Greg is just back from a great trip to Houston and we have a few news items to share with you all.
Greg's Back from Houston, Spiri... Read more…
Make Your Coach Flight Easier: Ten Things To Bring
Putting on fresh knickers when you are between flights is also a nice comfort, and if you are... Read more…
World’s 10 FASTEST growing travel destinations revealed – guess which city made top spot?
GETTY TRAVEL: These 10 destinations are set to become very popular by 2025At present Paris is the world’s most popular travel destination, followed |Read More
A Spiritual Vacation to Bali (part 3 of 4)
Another morning I follow the signs that say “nature walk”, down the steep mossy steps to a stone Balinese bathing fountain, past a splashing waterfall, along the river which marks the edge of the Maya property. I walk past plants whose leaves unfurl so large over my head that I could take shelter in a rainstorm. Read more…
Bedouin Art in the Sinai Desert
Most of the pieces you can buy in Egypt are dirt cheap – it has to do with the economy, the cost of materials, the average salary being so low, etc. and everyone takes advantage of the low prices and buys a lot of things when they visit. But out in the Sinai desert, one woman is changing all that.
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