Best Value For Money Travel Destinations Part 1.
People tend to think that travel costs a lot of money, but I am here to prove to you that travel can be very affordable. For those with a limited… Read more…
Best Destinations for a Romantic Vacation this Winter
Whether you’re looking for the perfect wintry destination or to exchange the cold for more pleasurable temperate climates, there’s a winter romantic vacation for everyone. These range from relaxing hot springs… Read more…
360º of Spirituality at the Luxe Sunset Hotel
I had an unexpected encounter last week with the Luxe Hotel Sunset, the new hotel in tony Bel-Air, in Los Angeles. And to pay homage to the awesome Signature 360º… Read more…
PRESS RELEASE: Spiritual Tours on the Rise
Spiritual Tours on the Rise
Spirit Quest Tours is leading the way for spiritual travel to sacred sites
July 16, 2008 ----- Boutique spiritual tours to Egypt, Bali, and other spiritual sites are a trend on the rise nationally, as one in four US tr... Read more…
Why I Travel to “Dangerous” Destinations
“India? Why don’t you go somewhere like Italy instead?”“You shouldn’t visit Istanbul right now.”“Bosnia? Is it safe to travel there?”I’ve heard endless variations of these statements again and again over… Read more…